Joy & Moxie

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In January, our Peloton bike arrived and we officially became part of the Peloton community. The first theme program they were running at the time was an 8-week “Year of Yes” class collection created in collaboration with TV Producer and Peloton Member Shonda Rhimes (yes, I’m a die-hard Grey’s Anatomy fan and have watched since the very beginning 🤓🩺). Now, I cannot claim that I’ve completed that 8-week program, but I’m definitely bought into making 2021 the “Year of Yes.”

In a few short months I have: upgraded employers, co-authored and published a book, participated in two CX podcast interviews, hosted a launch party for a friend’s new business, became a founding member of Women in CX, hosted a virtual session on How to Breathe Life Into Your Personal Brand focusing on a new 3D immersive platform, and have really started to put a deeper focus on what I want my dream entrepreneurial business to become. Honestly, I’m in a little bit of a gratitude shock compiling this list 😲👏🙌 And all of this has been accomplished within the same remote, supporting learners from home, while working full-time, unchanged for over a year environment.

A friend recently asked me how I’ve been able to accomplish so much and after a few minutes of a pause my only answer was, “I really don’t know - other than I just have been saying ‘Yes’ more often.” And that’s really the truth of it. The majority of the things I listed I have not done before - in fact, I probably would have shied away from them because of my own fears, discomfort, or the dreaded Imposter Syndrome (doubting your abilities and feeling like a fraud). Instead, if it was something I hadn’t done yet and it served my mantra of brining Joy & Moxie - I said, “YES!” I didn’t doddle or overthink my answer either, I committed to it quickly so it was locked in and backing out would cause me more embarrassment than following through.

And that’s when I realized, without having consciously committing it to memory, that 2021 is the “Year of Yes” for me. 2020 had us all at a standstill, uncertain and uncomfortable with what our futures held. It feels only fitting that we take all of that pent-up energy and use it to propel us forward into the limitless possibilities of becoming who and what we want to be.

But let’s also pair that forward moving energy of a “Yes” with one of the powerful sentiments 2020 left us, the simple response of “no.” Not a no justified with excuses of prior engagements, travel, or any other creative, and possibly made-up, answers we would spew to untangle us from something we didn’t want to do - just a simple, “no.”

Say “no” to the things that don’t serve us, our goals, or what we want from our future. Say “no” to the people, organizations, or environments that are unsupportive or toxic. Say “no” to the overworked, burn-out, or unbalanced lifestyles that leave us feeling drained and unmotivated. And then say “yes” to everything fills us with happiness, love, courage, and positive challenge.

Choices are power. That power is yours. Own your choices. Intentionally design for the best possible outcome. How will you choose to alter your path? Will you go left or right? Will you say yes or no? Will you choose what’s easy or what’s right? Will you choose comfort or courage? The choice is yours.

Here’s a little cheat sheet to help you make those tough decisions 😊